Programme Scientifique

Keynote: Prof. Ingrid Hotz, Linköping University (mardi 14h-15h)


Visual Data Analysis in Scientific Applications:
Integrating Generic Concepts with Practical Needs through Domain Collaboration

Abstract: Effectively analyzing increasingly large and complex data from simulations and experiments is a crucial step in the scientific process. Visualization, which keeps the scientist in the analysis loop, can play a significant role in this process particularly when the goal is ‘understanding’ or ‘knowledge generation’. Practically this requires creating environments for scientific reasoning through interactive data exploration guided by automatic analysis. Successful solutions are typically devised in close collaboration with domain experts, where both partners often go beyond their original expectations. This synergy results in methods that are not only innovative but also relevant and effective in addressing real-world scientific problems. In this talk, I will discuss a few use cases from our recent research.



Biography: Ingrid Hotz received her M.S. degree in theoretical Physics from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich Germany and the PhD degree from the Computer Science Department at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.

During 2003–2006 she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Data Analysis and Visualization (IDAV) at the University of California. From 2006–2013 she was the leader of a research group at the Zuse Institute in Berlin Germany. From 2013–2015 she was the head of the scientific visualization group at the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Since 2015 she is a Professor in Scientific Visualization at the Linköping University in Scientific Visualization and has an affiliation with the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) in Linköping.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



Session : Réalité étendue (mardi 15h-16h)

  • Maëlan Poyer, Christophe Hurter 
    "Enhancing Luggage Inspection Efficiency with Extended Reality" [PDF]
  • Gauthier Bouyjou, François Gaits, Fabien Vidal, Adrian Basarab, Nicolas Mellado
    "T-Play: A Tracking Platform for multi modal augmented reality" [LINK]
  • Charles Javerliat, Sophie Villenave, Pierre Raimbaud, Guillaume Lavoué 
    "PLUME: Enregistrer, Visualiser et Analyser le comportement utilisateur lors d'expériences XR" [PDF]


Session : Topologie (mardi 16h30-17h30)

  • Eve Le Guillou, Michael Will, Pierre Guillou, Jonas Lukasczyk, Pierre Fortin, Christoph Garth, Julien Tierny 
    "TTK is Getting MPI-Ready" [PDF]
  • Keanu Sisouk, Julie Delon, Julien Tierny
    "Wasserstein Dictionaries of Persistence Diagrams" [PDF]
  • Mathieu Pont, Julien Tierny
    "Wasserstein Auto-Encoders of Merge Trees (and Persistence Diagrams)" [PDF]


Session : Données complexes (mercredi 9h-10h)

  • Katerina Batziakoudi, Florent Cabric, Stéphanie Rey, Jean-Daniel Fekete 
    "A Design Space for Static Visualizations with Several Orders of Magnitude" [PDF]
  • Charles Gueunet 
    "Méthodes de rendus Bivariés dans ParaView" [PDF]
  • Vinojan Rajendiran, Jonathan Sarton, Jean-Michel Dischler  
    "Unstructured grids time series visualization with hardware-accelerated volume rendering" [PDF]


Session : Interactions Humains-Données (mercredi 10h30-11h30)

  • Victor Duvivier, Yannick Prié, Matthieu Perreira da Silva
    "Framework pour l'exploration visuelle de données immersives assistée par un modèle de Deep Learning [PDF]
  • Maria-Jesus Lobo, Mathieu Brédif, Sidonie Christophe 
    "Transitions interactives entre des cartes 2D et des cartes immersives 3D" [PDF]
  • Aymeric Erades, Anais Servais, Christophe Hurter, Romain Vuillemot 
    "Un design space de vidéos augmentées de matches de tennis de table" [PDF]

Demos : (mardi 17h30)

  • Gauthier Bouyjou
    "T-Play: Tracking Platform for multi modal augmented reality" [LINK]

Table ronde : (mercredi 11h30)

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