Un design space de vidéos augmentées de matches de tennis de table
Aymeric Erades, Anais Servais  1@  , Christophe Hurter  2, 3@  , Romain Vuillemot  4@  
1 : Cerco
CNRS : UMR5549
2 : Université de Toulouse
Université de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse, Université deToulouse
3 : Données, Économie et Visualisation Interactive  (DEVI)
Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - ENAC
ENAC, Equipe DEVI. 7 avenue Edouard Belin. 31055 Toulouse Cedex 4 -  France
4 : LIRIS Ecole Centrale de Lyon  (LIRIS, ECL)
Ecole Centrale de Lyon

We present a preliminary work on the design space of sports video augmentation techniques, following ecological design principles. The goal is to enable a generation of novel videos to increase viewing engagement for both sports fans and casual viewers. We hypothesize such augmentation techniques are efficient as they are both embedded with close relationships to the physical scene and sport events, but also are based on visual channels from the video (e.g. brightness, motion). This approach differs from current video augmentation techniques that replicate TV broadcast practices or use traditional, geometric-based visualization marks. In this paper we introduces the underlying design space behind those techniques issued from a comprehensive review of visual and physical effects. We report on the main dimensions we identified, and preliminary videos we have generated from it.

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